New name!

10 February 2015 Unknown 0 Comments

Since starting this blog, I've learned a lot. And I think we're at a point where we need to change the title of the blog to reflect the things we've learned.

So today I'm announcing that the title (you already saw it at the top of the page, so it isn't a big reveal) is The Artistic Engineer. The subtitle is "engineering art—artfully engineering".

I originally called it "Becoming a Disciplined Wanderer" because I felt like the discipline part hinted at the engineering side, not just working consistently at your art. It meant problem solving. But as I've written, I've realized that the benefits of engineering on art, are not just problem-solving, or that saying "disciplined" doesn't get at all the important aspects of engineering.

And saying "wanderer" doesn't really do justice to the artistic side either. Yes, wandering is important in the creative process, but art is more than just meandering.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm explaining my reasoning very well, but it's time for a change because we've grown and learned. Yay us!


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