How schools kill creativity

07 May 2015 Unknown 2 Comments

Ken Robinson gave a great TED talk about how schools kill creativity.

I don't think I can add much to this incredible speech, but here's some great quotes:

"Creativity is as important as literacy and we should treat it as such."

"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."

"The whole purpose of public education throughout the world is to produce university professors … but we shouldn't hold them up as the highest form of life."

"Brilliantly creative people think their not [smart]."

"Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value."

What do you think about his take on creativity? Were you schooled out of creativity?


  1. It's interesting to me that going to public school is so ingrained into our brains. I'm happy to see so many people deviating from that forced norm that does, in fact, quash creativity.

    1. You're right! I am glad that more and more people are choosing alternate forms of education


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