How to teleport successfully

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Next time you look down at your cell phone and the screen is glowing purple, you just might have the ability to teleport. But just because you now have the superpower, doesn't mean you're good at it.

You could get squilched by leaving one of your body parts behind or apparate inside a wall and get stuck. Below are five tips to make sure you make it home safely once you discover your new superpower.

1. Know your surroundings

Don't go teleporting around areas you don't know and make sure you pay attention to the areas that you see every day.

2. Visualize

Picture in your mind not only the place you are going to apparate, but also picture you will all your body parts attached.

3. Remember your momentum, kids

Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved during teleportation. In layman's terms: speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.

4. It's like a muscle

The more you practice, the further you can teleport. One day you’ll reach that mountain peak.

5. Close your mouth

It only takes one bug flying into your mouth as soon as you apparate for you to never forget this.

Follow this link to find out more about all the nine powers. Happy teleporting!


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